Regional planning procedure for the Middle Rhine crossing Noise study

Between the Rhine bridges near Mainz and Koblenz in Rhineland-Palatinate, a Rhine crossing for motor vehicles is to be provided at the level of the municipalities of St. Goar and St. Goarshausen. In preparation for the regional planning procedure, which was initiated in February 2021, numerous investigations were carried out, including a noise study in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Immission Control Act.
In the course of the investigation, grid noise maps for road traffic noise were calculated for an investigation area of approx. 1,600 ha based on a digital terrain model. The calculation was carried out on the basis of the calculation regulations of the RLS-90 with the calculation programme SoundPLAN. In addition to the variants for the elevated and low-lying position of the bridge, variants with tunnel and variants with ferry operation across the Rhine were also examined. Finally, an evaluation of the variants was carried out on the basis of difference maps.

Size of study area: 1,600 ha


  • Environment & Sustainability


GRE German Rail Engineering GmbH


State Office for Mobility Rheinland-Pfalz (Head-Office Koblenz)


From 2020 to 2021


St. Goar - St. Goarshausen (Rhineland-Palatinate), Germany

Project Activities

  • Preparation of the acoustic study as a document for the regional planning procedure