Feasibility Study: Use of Renewable Energy in the Water (and Wastewater) Sector

Jordan is among the world’s countries with the highest water scarcity. The high number of wells, pumping stations, water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants consume a high amount of electricity. In the last 9 years the energy consumption in the water sector increased by 37%, the electric tariffs by 281% and the electric bills by 355%. Therefore, the electricity consumption represents the majority of the operational costs of the water sector. The present electricity cost exceeds 50% of the running costs in water and wastewater operations, and based on the current development of the energy tariff it is expected to reach 75% in the coming few years. 

The Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) is considering the implementation and integration of renewable energy solutions in the water sector infrastructure. The project “Feasibility Study: Use of Renewable Energy in the Water (and Wastewater) Sector”, includes identifying and prioritising renewable energy concepts and investment opportunities to achieve a water – energy nexus, covering various renewable energy and energy efficiency options, such as solar PV, wind, hydropower, utilisation of biogas, load shifting, and restructuring of water supply systems. The goal is to significantly improve water-use efficiency, ensure sustainable freshwater supply, and implement integrated water management to combat water scarcity and reduce its impact on people. 


  • Municipal Infrastructure
  • Water Resources Management


Dorsch Impact GmbH


Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), financed by KfW


From 2018 to 2020



Project Activities

The project entails a list of possible investment projects. The intended renewable energy and energy efficiency concepts/investment projects entail the following measures: 

  • Improving operations of water transmission systems by introducing the concept of load shifting (Deiralla – Dabouq). 

  • Restructuring of Balqa supply system 

  • Covering the remaining energy consumption of selected wastewater treatment plants by installing PV Plants and possibly additional Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units. 

  • Installing PV Plants on a selected number of reservoir roofs. 

  • Installing in-pipe hydropower turbines and hydropower plants at a selected number of water and wastewater treatment plants. 

  • Installing PV Plants to cover the consumption of a selected number of pumping stations. 

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs:

Affordable and clean energy
Clean water and sanitation
Climate action