"A lighthouse project" says head of department Jürgen Flicke enthusiastically as he presents the "Ibbenbüren Mine Water Canal" project to his…
Engineers and Consultants of the Dorsch Gruppe look confidently into the future International planning and consulting team from 50 countries meets in…
As a group of companies with 7,200 employees worldwide, the Dorsch Gruppe, under the umbrella of the RAG Foundation (Essen), is one of the largest…
Dorsch Gruppe, the largest independent planning and consulting company for engineering services in Germany, is continuing its expansion course through…
Prof. Dr. Jan Akkermann, CEO Management Board Europe, is chairing the VDI symposium on deconstruction of bridges from 3 to 5 May 2023 in Frankfurt am…
We are proud to announce the partnership between Dorsch Gruppe and the German Jordanian University (GJU). The university was founded on the German…
The superbly interesting RSBG SE global leadership meeting took place on 27. and 28. 3. in Germany, to which the Dorsch Gruppe also belongs. Our…
The VBI Verband Beratender Ingenieure e.V. (Association of Consulting Engineers) in Germany (www.vbi.de) is launching a major image campaign called "D…
On December 16th 2022, the Dorsch Gruppe company Dorsch International published for the fourth time in a row its yearly independent Sustainability…