
500 km of Railway for Libya

DC Verkehr hat den Planungsauftrag für 500 km Schienenplanung in Libyen von Tobruk nach Benghazi erhalten. Drei grundsätzliche Varianten stehen dabei…

Iraqi Engineers Visit Dorsch Office in Wiesbaden

The reason for the two/four-weeks-lasting visit by Civil Engineer Mr Fadihl Abbas Mohsin, Civil Engineer Ms Zainab Abdulrssool Mohammed, and Architect…

CEO Olaf Hoffmann visits Iraq

Olaf Hoffmann, CEO of the Dorsch Gruppe, visited Basra in June this year. The city in the south of Iraq is central for the country's economy thanks to…

Olaf Hoffmann speaker at 13th German-Arab Business Forum

On the occasion of the <link http: external-link-new-window>13th German-Arab Business Forum spoke Olaf Hoffmann, CEO of the Dorsch Gruppe, about the topics Sustainable production –…

Dorsch Gruppe at the IFAT ENTSORGA 2010

Also for this year, Dorsch Gruppe will be present with its own booth at the IFAT ENTSORGA 2010 – World's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste…

MoU Signing Ceremony for Waste Heat / Pressure Recovery Projects

The Director of The Joint Graduate School of Energy & Environment (JGSEE) Thailand, Prof. Dr. Bundit Fungtammasan and CEO Juergen Supik of Dorsch…

Dorsch Gruppe: Arab-German Yearbook 2010 “Construction and Consulting”

Offenbach, June, 3rd 2010 – Today the Dorsch Gruppe releases together with the Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry the first edition…

Quality Audit of Construction for 27 Hospitals, Dispensaries, Offices and Housing Facilities

Employee’s State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has awarded Dorsch Consult (India) Private Ltd. a consulting services contract for “Quality Audit” of…